Australian National Saddlehorse Association

2024 Annual
High Point Awards
Form downloads
ANSA High Point Awards - General Rules
General Rules
Performance year from 1st December to 30th November.
Entry Fee of $20 per horse
Results must be recorded in an ANSA Performance Book. Books are available from the Secretary (PO Box 127, Sherwood, QLD 4075)
Performance sheets may be forwarded to the Secretary at any time during the competition year but will not be accepted after 14th December.
Points shall be scored from the six (6) best category performances.
There are no restrictions on riders as the horse is awarded the points.
Points are gained from open competitions conducted by any organisation, as well as competitions conducted by ANSA and any of its branches. Competitions restricted to club members only are not considered open competitions and as such no points will be awarded.
Local and District events will be awarded the minimum points.
Where more than one award is made for a single performance, they will be averaged and the resulting aggregate award will be used to allocate points for that competition. For example, where a hack class is judged by 3 judges, each of whom make an individual award for that class.
Junior members riding ANSA horses are eligible, provided that the points are gained in open competition.
The official recorder’s decision is final.