Australian National Saddlehorse Association

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These Classification Guidelines are to enable a standard to be maintained in all areas. Assessment is according to the Australian National Saddlehorse Association Standard of Excellence.
Minimum Height - Stallions, Mares & Geldings over 14 hands
Minimum Age for Inspection - 2 years from foaling date.
Type & Conformation
Each horse must be free from hereditary defects
Soundness is paramount
Strong functional conformation should be evident reflecting good breeding
They must have a well proportioned body to produce a comfortable and pleasurable ride.
Horses must have identification brands (refer to Section 13 of the regulations).
A simple performance of the basic paces under saddle is required – brood mares excepted where necessary.
The ideal horse is a well conformed saddle horse type, demonstrating good temperament and ability. Versatility under saddle is valued and encouraged.