Australian National Saddlehorse Association

About us
ANSA Management Committee
ANSA is run by a Management Committee, consisting of President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and a varying number of Councilors. All members of the Management Committee are elected by the members of the Annual General Meeting, with the exception of the Secretary who is appointed by, and responsible to the Management. The Committee meets every three months, and all members are welcome to attend any of these meetings.
APPROVED ANSA Constitution - 7th May 2023
ANSA supports all disciplines of equine sport. Classification is there to rule out any serious conformation faults that a prospective ANSA horse may have, colour and breed is not important in making top quality saddlehorse. We must emphasise that we are looking for saddlehorses. The horse may be used for Showjumping, Dressage or Polocrosse, each discipline may regard slightly different traits as important to that particular sport.
The Arthur Clothier Memorial Trophy
The Arthur Clothier Trophy (right) is awarded to a different equestrian discipline each year Arthur Clothier Memorial Trophy.